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Pizza Recipes

Unleash the Holiday Spirit with This Irresistibly Delicious Christmas Pizza Recipe!

Create a Festive Christmas Pizza That Will Delight Everyone

Christmas is a time of joy, celebration, and of course, delicious food! This year, consider adding a fun twist to your holiday meal with a delightful Christmas pizza that looks just like a wreath. This simple yet festive recipe not only brings smiles to your table but is also an engaging activity for families and friends alike.

Gather Your Ingredients for a Merry Meal

Before you dive into creating this joyful pizza masterpiece, gather the necessary ingredients. You will need:

  • Ready-rolled pizza dough
  • Green pesto for a colorful base
  • Shredded mozzarella cheese
  • Chorizo slices for a flavorful kick
  • Cherry tomatoes, halved, adding vibrant red
  • Green bell pepper, cubed, for a pop of color
  • Black olives, sliced for garnish
  • A red bell pepper, which will create a festive “bow” on your wreath

Relying on fresh, colorful ingredients not only enhances the pizza’s appearance but also captures the essence of Christmas. Feel free to swap out toppings per your preference—it’s all about creativity during the holiday season!

Shape Your Pizza Dough into a Wreath

The first step is to preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). Roll out the pizza dough on a baking tray to form a circle. To shape your wreath, find an object, like a large bowl, that’s about 11 inches in diameter. Use it as a template to cut your dough into a circular form.

Next, bring in a smaller item, like a cereal bowl, roughly 4.5 inches in diameter. Place this in the center of the dough and cut around it, creating a festive pizzazz with a hole in the middle. By removing the inner section, you’re left with a stunning wreath shape that is sure to impress!

Add Colorful and Festive Toppings

With your dough ready, it’s time to pile on those cheerful toppings. Start by spreading the green pesto evenly over the pizza base using the back of a spoon. Following this, sprinkle shredded mozzarella cheese generously across the surface.

Now for the fun part! Position the chorizo slices around the pizza, ensuring they’re spaced out evenly. Tuck the cherry tomato halves in between the chorizo, but remember to leave one space empty for the finishing touch. Enhance the edges of the pizza with cubed green bell pepper and sliced black olives, which will add an eye-catching contrast against the melty cheese.

Create a Festive Bow and Bake

To give your Christmas wreath pizza a special touch, cut the bottom off the red bell pepper. Use the rounded section to create the top half of the bow and slice two straight pieces for the lower half. Finally, shape a small triangle from the pepper to complete the bow and place it in the space you left for it earlier.

Now it’s time for baking! Place your adorned pizza in the preheated oven and let it bake for 12 to 14 minutes. You’ll know it’s ready when the crust is golden and the cheese is bubbling. The aroma that fills your kitchen is sure to have everyone eager to taste this delightful creation!

Serve and Share the Joy

Once your Christmas pizza is out of the oven, consider topping it with some fresh basil leaves for a pop of green and extra flavor. Slice it up and serve it warm to your family and friends. This whimsical pizza not only resembles a Christmas wreath but also packs a hearty punch of flavors with every bite.

If there are any leftovers—though that’s a big ‘if’—you can store them in the fridge for up to four days. Just reheat them on low in the oven for five to ten minutes to bring back that delicious crispy texture.

A Holiday Tradition to Cherish

Making a Christmas pizza wreath can quickly become a cherished holiday tradition. It’s an extraordinary way to get the family involved in cooking and allows for personalization with your favorite toppings. This recipe isn’t just about the meal; it’s about creating joyful memories that will last long after the last slice is gone. Celebrate the festive season with this charming recipe—everyone will love it!

Written By

Luca Santoro is a seasoned food writer with 16 years in the hospitality industry across eight countries. His expertise spans craft beer, spirits, and pizza making, all while championing sustainability. A graduate of Collingwood College, Luca combines curiosity and analytical thinking to inspire others, exploring culinary trends through hands-on learning and engaging storytelling.

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